Dwon Lwak Community Initiative

Education and Youth Empowerment

Investing in the Future: Education and Youth Development

Empowering young people with knowledge and skills for a brighter future.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

DOLCI establishes vocational training centers focused on equipping youth with practical skills and providing startup kits for entrepreneurship. We empower young people to become self-sufficient and contribute to the economic growth of their communities.

Leadership and Peace Clubs

We set up leadership programs in primary and secondary schools to nurture future leaders and peacebuilders. These programs aim to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills, while promoting peace and understanding within the community.

Education Policy Advocacy

DOLCI engages with policymakers to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in Northern Uganda. We advocate for increased access to quality education, improved teacher training, and the development of relevant and inclusive curricula.